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Embrace the Magic of Visual Storytelling with Kindle Avenue

Unleashing Creativity with Premier Book Cover Designing Creativity

  • Trusted by 400+ Authors Globally
  • 86% of Customers Rehire
  • 2.5k+ Writers & Editors

Crafting Visual Narratives: Kindle Avenue’s Premium Book Cover Design Service

Our expertise lies in transcribing the essence of your narrative into a visually compelling book cover. We understand that a book cover operates as the face of your novel, enticing potential readers with a glance into the world you've built. Our team of skilled book cover designers harnesses top-tier book cover designing software to fashion an artistic representation of your tale, one that reverberates with your readership.

Acting as your professional ghostwriter, we delve deep into the crux of your book, distilling its essence and mirroring it in an engaging book cover design. Whether it's a mystifying ghost book cover for your suspense-filled story or a soul-stirring design for your romance novel, we've got it covered. From the modernity of eBook cover design to the classic appeal of a leather book cover, our service spectrum is as diverse as your requirements. At Kindle Avenue, our book covers do more than just encase your words - they narrate, they entice, and they sell.

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Turn Your Spark into a Story!

DIY or Professional? Insights into Book Cover Design

Without any ado, we're taking this privilege to tell you that the book cover is the first thing that people may look at before inspecting what you may have written. Although experimental sensibilities are now universally accepted, the sense of familiarity is what a human eye always desires to glance at. For that very reason, you may want your book cover design to be something that allures your reader, and this blog is where we will give you the reasoning on why you should opt for a professional book cover design.

The Vital Role of a Professional Book Cover Designer

You should be discoverable, while uniqueness and individualized sense of serenity you may want to evoke that represent your story in the best way possible, hiring a book cover designer needs to be prioritized. Once you know that you have been under the influence of a book cover design company, your quest to find a book cover designer might be obsolete. However, that's where the real talk happens: let your book cover designer know your uniqueness, and the designer may give you the middle way of maintaining your unique touch and also adhering to the ongoing trend, which may fortify your discoverability at its best. So, the best practice is to hire someone professional and discuss your concerns, ideas, and concepts, and in exchange, you will get something that represents your book the way it was intended to.

DIY Book Cover Design Approach

Of course, you can if you think you can design something on your own and don't require book cover design services. To accomplish this, you might need to have some prior illustration experience, but if you're just getting started right now, Canva is an online tool that could end up being your best friend. Shall we see what you are capable of doing? Now, let's get started.

Step 1: Sign Up for Canva

Visit Canva's website and sign up for a free account.

If you're already a user, log in to access the design platform.

Step 2: Select Design Type

Click on "Create a design" after logging in.

Choose "Custom dimensions" and input your book cover size (typically around 6x9 inches).

Step 3: Explore Canvas Templates

Go to "Templates" on the left sidebar.

Check out the book cover templates available, catering to various genres.

Step 4: Customize Your Template

Click on a template to open it in the editor.

Replace the existing text with your book title, author name, and other details.

Step 5: Add Images and Elements

Use the "Elements" tab for images, illustrations, and shapes.

Drag and drop these onto your cover, adjusting size and position.

Step 6: Choose a Background

Navigate to "Background" in the left sidebar to change the cover's background color or add an image.

Step 7: Utilize Canvas Text and Color Options

Experiment with different fonts and text colors to match your book's theme.

Adjust font size and spacing for optimal readability.

Step 8: Download Your Design

Click on the download button when your design is ready.

Select the file type (JPEG or PNG) and save your book cover.

Step 9: Print or Use Online

If creating a physical book, ensure your cover dimensions match.

For eBooks, use the downloaded image during the publishing process.

Step 10: Save and Share

Save your Canva project for future edits or sharing.

Build anticipation by sharing your book cover on social media before the launch.

Crafting a book cover with Canva is a straightforward process, allowing you to personalize professionally designed templates for a visually appealing result.

DIY or Professional Hire? Plus, Essential Guidelines for Kindle and Barnes & Noble

Should you design or let a book cover designer do their job is a tricky thing to answer bluntly, as a matter of fact itself is subjective. However, there is some objectivity to it if you are the author who wants to play safe and get your book cover designed professionally – hiring a professional should be your go-to way of creating your cover art for the book. There is no right or wrong if you are on a wild ride of expression, but there are things to consider when you want polished work that gets the approval of major platforms. When aiming to publish your book on Kindle or Barnes & Noble, understanding their unique cover requirements is vital. Let's explore the essential guidelines set by these platforms for a professional and appealing book cover.

  • Kindle Book Cover Guidelines:

    1. Dimensions: Minimum 1000 pixels on the shortest side; ideal size is 2500 pixels.

  • 2. File Format: High-quality JPEG or TIFF.

  • 3. Color Mode: Use RGB.

  • 4. Content: Avoid URLs or promotional content; ensure readability as a thumbnail.

  • 5. Typography: Choose readable fonts and keep text away from margins.

  • Barnes & Noble Book Cover Guidelines:

    1. Dimensions: Minimum 1400 pixels on the shortest side; optimal size is 1800 pixels.

  • 2. File Format: High-quality JPEG or TIFF.

  • 3. Color Mode: Use RGB.

  • 4. Content: No pricing or promotional messages; exclude references to physical attributes.

  • 5. Typography: Opt for clear and legible fonts; ensure visibility against the background.

That is to say, adherence to platform guidelines ensures your book cover is presented professionally, regardless of whether you choose a DIY approach or a professional book cover designer. Your book cover is more than just an image; it serves as a conduit for your words to reach readers' hearts. It is a living example of the venerable craft of storytelling in a society that values visuals over words.

The Artful Journey: From Concept to Completion, Your Book Cover Comes to Life



Consultation and Briefing

The first step on our journey to create your book cover design is a consultation. During this meeting, we take the time to understand your book, its themes, and your vision for the cover. You guide us on the tone, imagery, and any specific elements you'd like to incorporate into the design.



Research and Inspiration

Armed with your brief, we dive into a research process, drawing inspiration from famous book covers and best-design books. Our book cover designers evaluate successful designs in your genre and study current design trends to ensure your cover is both relevant and competitive.



Concept Development

Based on the briefing and research, our designers create a series of designer book concepts. These initial drafts serve as the basis for your book's final look. We strive for creativity and uniqueness in every book cover art we conceive.



Client Feedback and Revision

Once the initial concepts are ready, we present them to you for feedback. As your book cover creator, we appreciate your input at every step. You're invited to critique the designs and suggest alterations. Our team works diligently to refine the concepts based on your feedback.



Final Design

After revisions, we transform the chosen concept into a polished book cover. Our team ensures that every element of the design, from typography to color palette, is harmonious and visually appealing. This is the stage where your book cover truly comes to life.




Once the book cover design meets your satisfaction, we will prepare the final files. These are ready for both digital and print use. We can also assist with printing specifications and provide support in eBook design, ensuring your book cover looks perfect in every format.

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Unlock your potential and share your unique story with the world. Click 'Get Started' and let Kindle Avenue make your book publishing dreams a reality.

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Our Maestros Work at…

Children's Books

Breathing life into enchanting characters and magical realms.

Memoir and Autobiography

Capturing your journey and lessons, writing word by word.

Self-Help Books

Sharing Wisdom and guiding readers towards personal growth.

Business Books

Unveiling the secrets to success in the corporate world.


Weaving intricate plots and unforgettable characters.


Articulating facts and insights with impeccable clarity.

Article Writing

Crafting compelling articles that engage and inform.


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Why Choose Kindle Avenue?


Our book writers for hire have years of experience and industry knowledge and publishing.

Personal Touch

We pride ourselves in maintaining a close partnership with our clients to ensure their vision is realized.


From children's books to business guides, we hire book writers who excel in a wide range of genres.


At Kindle Avenue, we strive for perfection in every word we pen.

Satisfaction Guaranteed

Your satisfaction is our success. We ensure every client leaves with a story they're proud to call their own.

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Crafting a Visual Narrative: The Influence of a Book Cover Design

In the realm of literature, a book cover design is an unsung hero. A symphony of colors, fonts, and images, it is a silent envoy that conveys the essence of a book. It's not merely a decorative aspect; it's the first point of contact, the handshake that introduces your book to potential readers. That's why Kindle Avenue, your trusted partner in the literary world, offers the best book cover design services.

The artistry behind book cover designs cannot be understated. The process is akin to weaving a tapestry of ideas and emotions, a visual representation of your book’s core. The value of an eye-catching cover is evident in the old adage, "Don't judge a book by its cover," a reminder of the inevitable human tendency to form an opinion at first glance. In the publishing world, first impressions can be a deciding factor, and as book cover designers, our task is to make it count.

Fiction or non-fiction, romance novel or thriller, every genre has its unique visual language. The romance novel covers, for instance, often speak in the language of soft hues and tender images, while thrillers prefer a darker, mysterious aesthetic. Our team of expert book cover designers is proficient in this visual vernacular, bringing your book to life with a cover that narrates its essence at a glance.

An exceptional book cover design not only complements the narrative but also influences its marketability. With the surge of digital publishing, the relevance of eBook cover design has grown exponentially. An attractive eBook design can pique a reader's curiosity and steer them towards the 'buy' button. At Kindle Avenue, we have mastered the craft of eBook design, merging creativity with digital design principles to make your book stand out in the crowded virtual bookshelves.

The process of book cover designing is a collaborative effort, one where your vision meets our creativity. We employ the best book cover designing software and tools in the industry to deliver high-quality designs. Whether you're looking for a leather book cover aesthetic for your historical fiction or a minimalistic design for your self-help guide, our versatile team is equipped to bring your vision to life.

In an era of DIY, book cover creator software and tools might seem appealing, but they cannot replace the nuance and expertise of a professional designer. The expertise of our book cover designers extends beyond the software. They are adept at understanding the subtleties of your narrative, translating them into a compelling visual story. This understanding is what sets us apart and makes us the best book cover designers in the industry.

At Kindle Avenue, we take pride in crafting covers that are not just visually appealing, but also true to your book’s soul. So, whether you are a debut author or an established one, we promise to transform your narrative into captivating book cover art, helping your masterpiece make a stunning first impression. After all, we believe that every book deserves a cover as compelling as the story it houses. Trust Kindle Avenue, the professional artists, to turn your literary brilliance into a visual masterpiece.

In this world of books where narratives abound, let the cover of your book be the first page of your story. With Kindle Avenue, your book won’t just have a cover—it will have a preface that invites and intrigues. Step into the world of aesthetically pleasing and purposeful book cover designs with us, and let your book tell its story from the very first glance.

It's Time to Tell Your Story. Kindle Avenue is Ready. Are You?

Have a FREE consultation with our experts and let’s turn your idea into a reality!

Creating a Visual Identity: The Role of Book Cover Design in Defining Your Book's Success

In the bustling marketplace of literature, a book’s success is often determined before the first page is even turned. Its initial appeal, its invitation to the reader, comes from a powerful, compelling component: the book cover design. A well-designed book cover can effectively communicate the tone, genre, and quality of the book it encloses. As best book cover designers, we at Kindle Avenue understand the essential role of an alluring cover design in attracting potential readers.

Book cover art is a form of storytelling itself. It is a window to the narrative that unfolds within the pages. Crafting a captivating book cover is about more than making a book look good – it’s about making the story sellable. An excellent book cover designer knows how to balance aesthetic appeal with commercial viability. They weave elements together, just as an author weaves words into a narrative. We at Kindle Avenue are storytellers of a different kind, creating designer books that marry content and form seamlessly.

In an era where online libraries are expanding, and eBooks are increasingly popular, the demand for striking eBook cover designs is on the rise. A remarkable eBook design captures the essence of your book and sets it apart from countless others on digital shelves. At Kindle Avenue, our designers are adept at translating your vision into an impactful eBook cover design that resonates with your target audience and aligns with digital marketplace standards.

Whether you have a specific concept in mind or want to leave it to our imaginative designers, we can provide a book cover design that aligns perfectly with your vision and audience. Our team leverages the best book cover designing software and market insights to ensure that your cover design enhances the book's marketability while staying true to its essence.

We're not just creating a book cover; we're creating a promise to the reader. A promise of the journey they'll embark upon, the characters they'll meet, and the world they'll explore. That's why our book cover designs are more than just pretty; they're meaningful.

Investing in premade book covers may seem convenient and cost-effective, but it cannot offer the unique identity a book deserves. Each book is unique, and its cover should reflect that. Whether you're writing an intricate fantasy saga, a heartfelt romance novel, or an insightful self-help guide, your book cover design should be as unique as the narrative it encompasses. We provide custom-tailored designs, ensuring that your book cover is unique and resonates with your story and your readers.

So why should you choose Kindle Avenue? Because we see beyond the pages. We understand the value of a compelling book cover design in this competitive literary landscape. Our book cover designers work tirelessly to transform your narrative into a visual treat, creating book cover art that compels readers to dive into the world you’ve created.

Because at Kindle Avenue, we believe every story deserves a visually stunning introduction. Trust us to create a book cover that tells your story long before the first page is turned. Let us help you turn your literary masterpiece into a visual success. After all, your story is our inspiration.

Thomas Mitchell
- Elena R.
Professional Ghost Writer "As a professional ghostwriter, the success of the books I work on largely depends on their initial visual appeal. Kindle Avenue has proven to be the best book cover designer I've ever collaborated with. Their ability to transform abstract concepts into tangible book cover art is commendable."
Violet Harris
- Sarah B.

"I've always been hesitant about premade book covers, believing that they could never truly capture the spirit of my work. Kindle Avenue changed my perspective. The book cover they designed for my latest romance novel was not only beautiful but also captured the story's essence perfectly. It was as if they had read my mind."

Romance Novelist
Christophe Miller
- Michael J.
Science Fiction Writer "The team at Kindle Avenue are more than book cover designers; they are visual storytellers. They transformed my book's complex narrative into a simple yet powerful book cover design. The cover has significantly increased my book's appeal and sales."
Benjamin Wright
- Christina P.

"As a debut novelist, I had no idea where to start with my book cover design. Kindle Avenue guided me through the entire process, and the end result was beyond my wildest expectations. Their design made my book stand out in online bookstores, contributing greatly to its success."

Debut Novelist
Thomas Mitchell
- Thomas G.
eBook Author "The ebook cover design Kindle Avenue created for my digital book series exceeded all my expectations. Their designs are more than visually stunning; they capture the essence of my stories in a way that connects with readers. I couldn't be happier with the outcome."
Benjamin Wright
- Amy L.

"Choosing Kindle Avenue was the best decision for my book. Their book cover designs are not just pretty; they communicate the book's content at a glance. Their team is highly skilled, responsive, and extremely professional."

Self-help Book Author
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Kindle Avenue's

Unique Approach

At Kindle Avenue, our book cover designers believe in capturing your story's soul and translating it into a captivating visual. We take the time to understand your narrative, its nuances, and what sets it apart. This deep comprehension allows us to design covers that are not only visually pleasing but also encapsulate the essence of your book, pulling potential readers in.


Designers at Your Service

Our team consists of experienced book cover designers and book jacket designers who understand the delicate balance between aesthetics and storytelling. Their experience with various genres, from romance novels to science fiction, enables us to cater to a wide range of authors and stories. At Kindle Avenue, you're not just getting a book cover design, but a team dedicated to making your book shine.


and Premade Options

Understanding the varying needs of different authors, we offer both custom-made and premade book covers. For those who require a unique, tailored book cover design, our team works closely with you to bring your vision to life. Alternatively, our premade book covers offer a quick, high-quality solution for those on a tighter schedule. Every book cover we design aims to intrigue and captivate, regardless of the route you choose.

We Know You Still Have Some Questions

We’ve answered the most common ones below!

Our book cover designers approach each project as a unique challenge. We start by understanding your book’s content, themes, and target audience. This information helps us create a design that not only represents your story but also appeals to your potential readers.

That’s not a problem at all! Many authors come to us without a concrete idea for their book cover design. Our experienced team is skilled at creating compelling covers from scratch, and we'll work closely with you to create a design that captures the essence of your book.

Yes, at Kindle Avenue, we understand that not everyone has the time or budget for a custom-made cover. That’s why we offer a selection of high-quality premade book covers. These covers are designed by our professional team and are a fantastic, cost-effective solution for your book.

Absolutely! Whether you've written a romance novel, a sci-fi epic, or a non-fiction guide, we've got you covered. Our book cover designers are experienced across a variety of genres and can design a cover that fits your book's category.

We aim to design a book cover that you love from the get-go, but we understand that revisions are sometimes necessary. Our team is open to feedback and will make the necessary adjustments to ensure you are 100% satisfied with the final design.